Case Study 2
Since the Christchurch Earthquake we have drilled over 375,000 meters of Sonic drilling delivered with 100% core recovery and operating costs dropping by 75%.
Importantly we now operate Sonic Rigs with dual and multi head capabilities that can perform Sonic, CPT and Traditional Rotary drilling. Complemented by State of the art Specialist Rotary Drilling systems.
The 2011 earthquake in Christchurch was a powerful natural event that severely damaged New Zealand’s second-largest city, killing 185 people. A national state of emergency was in force until April 30, 2011. After that day the city became the focus of the biggest geo-technical investigation in the world. Like other New Zealand geo-technical drilling companies, Pro-Drill arrived in a devastated Christchurch.
Following the Christchurch Earthquake Kaikoura experienced and incredible earthquake. Roads being reduced to rubble closed the main road south, it was an absolute mess.
The scope of drilling was complex and in many cases inaccessible on roads rail and coast. Kane Wright Southern Operations manager of Pro-Drill, says.
"We were able to perform some amazing results for clients in essence we have “One rig” that does it all. Actually we operate 5 dual head state of the art Fratse Eijkelkamp SonicSampDrills"
The various activities to identify and perform soil stabilisation methods are diverse. Traditionally several machines are needed, making this operation complicated and expensive. The PRO-DRILL Fraste Eijkelkamp Multi Purpose SonicSampDrill drilling rigs are fully thought through and developed, making them highly versatile. From (sonic) CPT testing, undisturbed soil sampling to soil injection, all can be performed with one rig; eliminating the need for multiple rigs on site will result in significant improvements in core recovery to 100% and immense cost savings to our Clients with costs dropping by 75%.
By April 2012, Pro-Drill had four Eijkelkamp SonicSampDrill rigs operating in Christchurch. A fifth CompactRotoSonic head sat in a crate as standby. Each rig came with on-site training to certify the driller. In an average eight-hour day, Pro-Drill managed to sample 40m, with standard penetration tests every 1.5m. A record day on one rig was 76m.